
Tracking Toward Tribulation Book By: Terry James

Each and every news cycle brings inhabitants of planet Earth closer to the Tribulation-the time Jesus called the worst of human history. Tracking toward Tribulation and the Soon Sudden Intervention by Jesus Christ is an intensively concentrated effort by fifteen of the top writers and broadcasters of our time to analyze the end-times issues and events bombarding America and the world. From the evil and wickedness developing that makes these days like those of Noah and of Lot to Israel becoming a hated nation, as prophesied by the prophet Zechariah, God's words about the end of the age are precisely on track for fulfillment. However, the authors, in thoroughly examining all things involved in the swift movement toward the establishment of Antichrist's world-controlling regime, present a glorious prospect for all who cling to the Lord Jesus Christ, the Blessed Hope of Titus 2:13.Delve into the troubling although exciting developments that are so perplexing to the world at large, but that are made understandable through dissection and exploration by these spiritually attuned authorities in Bible prophecy. All that is happening in every direction we look on the troubled horizon points only to an astonishingly spectacular truth: Jesus Christ is about to call all Christians to Himself into the clouds of glory!

Lawless: Endtimes War Against the Spirit of Antichrist

Lawless Book By: Terry James

Today, chaos and turmoil inflame daily life within the fever of uncertainty. Geopolitical and cultural/societal upheaval tear at the heart of America and the world.
Much of humanity is in a state of growing rage, while an infinitesimally small enemy—visible only under powerful microscopes—holds populations in its fear-paralyzing, pandemic grip.
LAWLESS: End Times War Against the Spirit of Antichrist is an intensely focused
volume that answers questions about what’s really going on in these volatile,
inexplicably strange times.  
What does it all mean? Why such a divide? Why such anger and hatred? People
want to know answers, and the answer is spiritual. It’s all there in Bible prophecy.
The tumult altogether constitutes a major indicator of how near we are to the end
of this age—the Age of Grace.
Deniers of man-made climate change that is purported to be destroying planet earth
are accused of blaspheming the religion of Mother Earth worship.
Such denial prevents the globalists-elite from bringing their long-prophesied
changed world order to fruition.
But it is the deniers of the God of Heaven within that globalist cabal who in
actuality foment the chaos and lawlessness exploding across this troubled sphere.
Seventeen writers, each steeped in spiritually attuned insights gleaned from God’s
prophetic Word, expertly probe the issues and events of today—issues and events
that almost certainly point to the imminence of Christ’s return.

Revelation: The Four Horsemen DVD

The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse are real entities, not just symbols of conquest, war, famine, and death. SkyWatchTV’s Derek P. Gilbert and Sharon K. Gilbert, hosts of Unraveling Revelation, take you deep inside Bible prophecy to show you who these beings are and when they began their ride.


  1. Rider on the White Horse
  2. Rider on the Red Horse
  3. Rider on the Black Horse
  4. Rider on the Pale Horse
  5. The Chariots of Zechariah
  6. Zechariah, the Watchers and Babylon
  7. A Study on Horses in the Bible
  8. Chaos and the Four Horsemen
  9. Recapping the Riders
  10. Hades, Hermes, and Death