Recurring Charge - SkywatchTV and Whispering Ponies Ranch Donation


We extend our heartfelt gratitude to you for your invaluable support of Skywatch TV and Whispering Ponies Ranch. Your generosity plays a critical role in our mission to remain on the air, spreading awareness on timely issues such as corruption and end-time prophecy. Moreover, your contribution directly aids in the ministry of Whispering Ponies Ranch, which provides essential services to children who have suffered sickening abuse. 

Whispering Ponies Ranch is not just a typical summer camp. It's a place of transformation, offering week-long restoration camps and ongoing mentoring for children who have suffered abuse and are now under state care. Your support has been instrumental in removing financial barriers that once prevented these children from accessing the blessing of a week at camp. Now, every amenity—from lodging to recreational activities to exquisite food service—is provided at no cost, ensuring that no child is ever turned away. 

This remarkable feat is made possible through the proceeds generated by purchases from the Skywatch TV Store, where a significant portion of every sale directly supports the Ministry of WPR's operational expenses. Your compassion and steadfast commitment enable us to forge a legacy of love and healing for these vulnerable children, who, with your help, can experience the transformative power of Jesus Christ's love. 

Your compassion and dedication have made a significant difference in the lives of these deserving children. We are deeply grateful for your support, and we hope that you will continue to stand with us in our mission. Together, we can bring hope, healing, and a brighter future to those who need it most. Your continued support is crucial to our work, and we thank you for being an essential part of our mission.

SkyWatchTV, Inc., is recognized by the IRS as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Click below to make a donation. You can also make a donation by mail at: SkyWatchTV, PO Box 5, Crane, MO 65633.

May the Lord bless you abundantly for responding to this call to action… and remember! We are “Sky Watchers” because Jesus IS coming soon!

If you would like to donate more than the preselected amounts, please give us a call and we can help you over the phone!