Every year, more than 3.2 million children in America are sex-trafficked, abused, abandoned, or neglected. One in seven Americans are sexually abused as children. Tragically, 1,500 to 2,000 children die each year at the hands of their caretakers.
But there is hope for many of these victims through the partnership that Whispering Ponies Ranch holds with YOU and the Royal Family Kids Camps (RFKC) and Teen Reach organizations. Over the past 40 years, RFKC has been offering week-long specialized restoration camps and follow-up mentoring specifically designed to restore children of abuse who have become wards of the state. In the past, some of these hurting kids could not benefit from these special services due to the cost-preventative nature of per-child campgrounds’ expenses. But AT WPR, ALL AMENITIES—from food services and lodging to expert recreational and counseling staff—ARE PROVIDED AT NO COST, which means no child ever has to be turned away. We can only do this because of visionary supporters who partner directly with WPR’s healing ministry by contributing to the operating and construction costs of the retreat facility—from the care of life-changing therapy animals to food services, lodging, and maintenance.
Whispering Ponies Ranch accomplishes this mission in part by employing specialized tools to help these children on their healing journey, including miniature-equine assisted activities (tiny horses) as well as petting zoo animals to bring positive mental, physical, emotional, and restorative benefits to these hurting, desperate kids. Studies worldwide confirm the extraordinary benefits of using our furry friends—from horses and goats to alpacas, mini-cows, mini donkeys and other hand-picked and well-trained pets—to provide companionship and unconditional love to children dealing with emotional and psychological challenges. Our hope is that these kids come to believe that they matter to God …and that HE has a plan for their lives!
In addition to WPR’s variety of therapy animals, our 280-acre ranch serves up a robust list of activities and amenities from fishing, mountain biking, zip lines, climbing wall, low course, gymnasium, large indoor swimming pool, archery, lodging, excellent food services, and much more ALL AT NO COST TO CAMPERS OR THEIR COUNSELORS! Of course, we can only afford to do this because of YOU, our supporters. THE TASK BEFORE US IS GREAT…BUT WE ARE WINNING ONE CHILD AT A TIME!
By sponsoring a Childs stay at camp you help provide specialized services to campers, including activities and equipment, food service and everything else needed to make a WPR camp a healing and unforgettable experience in the life of a seriously abused child. For kids of trauma, the positive, self-esteem-supporting inspiration of this unique Camp becomes an important part of their recovery. Campership donations are the core of support for these traumatized youngsters.