
 The Mystery of the Red Heifer Book

 Devout Jews in Israel and around the globe have been preparing the Temple Mount for the third temple’s construction for years. Yet one critical piece has been missing—the red heifer. With the arrival of five red heifers in Israel, this book investigates their prophetic significance and the extraordinary events that could soon follow. Examining the prophetic visions of Daniel, Jesus, Paul, and John, this book unravels the connections between the red heifer, the third temple, the covenant of Daniel 9:27, and the “day of the Lord” in 2 Thessalonians 2.

While reading, you will uncover valuable insights into the prophetic text such as:

  • Why Jewish rabbis believe the red heifer is essential for the building of the third temple
  • How the ancient red heifer ritual is connected to the ministry of Jesus
  • What the red heifer ceremony may signify for the future
  • The inside scoop on how the five red heifers were found and sent to Israel
  • Where are the red heifers now and when will the ceremony take place

Drawing on insights from prominent prophecy teachers, this book is an essential guide for anyone seeking to understand the pivotal role of the red heifer in biblical prophecy and the unfolding of end-time events.

 The Rabbis, Donald Trump, and the Top Secret Plan to Build the Third Temple Book

“Recent developments have taken place that contribute to the Temple Movement’s goals and the realization of the rebuilding of the Temple in our lifetime.” —Dr. Randall Price, World of the Bible

For thousands of years, the world has heard warning that there is a coming a day when the Man of Sin, the Antichrist, will arise to pilot the greatest deception in human history. Whereas almost anyone alive today can discuss the dictatorial global economics, societal horrors, and eventual apocalypse that follows his arrival, few appear to comprehend that there are negotiations in the workings at this precise moment to build the very location where the abomination of desolation will stand in the holy place. This, as the book of Daniel prophesied, will be the catalyst event.
…The beginning of the end.

Many believe that President Trump is Israel’s next King Cyrus—the facilitator and overseer of the building of the Third Temple—and that his influential role in that pursuit is being guided by Hashem (God), Himself, in order to restore to His people the most sacred site of worship. Is a secret plan under development for construction of the Third Temple? And as these plans are increasingly expedited, will Trump succeed in raising this landmark, only to usher in the end of days?

In The Rabbis, Donald Trump, and the Top-Secret Plan to Build the Third Temple, you will learn:

•The connection between Donald Trump, the Rabbis, and a behind-the scenes scheme to erect the Third Temple
•The role Trump’s Orthodox Jewish son-in-law, Jared Kushner is playing with Saudi Arabia with plans to control the Temple Mount
•How Trump’s decision to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capitol and his moving the US Embassy there sent a powerful signal to Third Temple advocates
•The controversy over the Temple Mount location and why the spot on which the Third Temple will be built will soon be unveiled
•What the “Abomination of Desolation” is and what the globe’s most powerful political personalities have to say about its future appearance on holy ground
•How recent archeological site metal-detector scans near the Qumran Caves point to the discovery of ancient Temple treasures (including the Ark of the Covenant), and how that relates to the building of the Third Temple
•The mystery of the Copper Scroll and what it disclosed
•Events involving Trump and other world leaders as the building of the Third Temple is underway, and the obvious end-times signals these events raise
•What is to take place when the Temple is constructed, then desecrated

The Rabbis, Donald Trump, and the top secret plan to build the Third Temple (5 part Television Series)


Five part television series based on the best selling book by Thomas Horn "The Rabbis Donald Trump and the Top Secret Plan to Build the Third Temple